The old man and his sons
old man and his sons
there lived an old man in a certain village. He had three/five/seven sons. They
always quarreled with one another. This made the old man unhappy. The neighbors were also distributed every now
and then for their loud shouts. The farmer tried to bring them into their sense
but failed. At last, he thought of a plan one day the Old man became very sick.
He called his sons together to warn them about their bad habit of quarreling.
He asked his eldest son to bind the three/five/seven sticks in a bundle. His
eldest tried but could not. He told all of his sons to break the bundle. They
tried their best one by one but in vain. Then the old man again asked the
eldest son to unite the bundle. The old man gave everyone a stick to break. At
that time each of the sons broke the stick very easily. Now the old man raised
his head and said. My dear sons, remember that unity is strength. If you are
united like the bundle of sticks, nobody will be able to harm you. If you
quarrel and remain separate, you will lose strength and anybody can harm you.
Now the sons could understand the importance of unity and promised not to
quarrel among themselves anymore.