A liar cowboy and the Tiger

A liar cowboy and the Tiger
Once upon a time there lived a cowboy in a certain village. He used to tend cows in the field near a forest. It was not far from his village. The boy was wicked. To make fun he often cried out “tiger! tiger!”.  The villagers would come running to help him. They found no tiger there but the boy laughed at them. They got angry and went away. Many a time the boy played his trick and the villagers came to help him. At last the people understood that the boy was telling lies. They did not believe him anymore and so they decided not to go to the boy in future. One day a tiger really came and the boy cried ‘tiger! tiger!’ Nobody came to save him. The tiger fell upon the boy and killed him and it killed his cows and went away. When the people found him as a dead body, they had nothing to do. Actually nobody believes a liar. As a result the boy lost his life.


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