
Conjunctions Definition : A conjunction is a part of speech that connects two or more words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Conjunctions are generally two types: 1. Cumulative or copulative And: Seema and Rima are two sisters. Rice and curry is our staple food. We saw him playing and shouting with the boys. Both—and: Both Mina and Rina passed the examination. Both Lubna and Seema got scholarship. Both Hanif and Matin give up their education at tender age. No less--- than: You are no less fit for the job than he. Salma is no less fit for the first than Mina. As well as: The president as well as the secretary has come. Not only ---but also: He is not only a thief but also a culprit. Mr. Rahman is not only a teacher but also a philosopher. 1.2 Alternative or Disjunctive: Either --- or: Either Ruby or Baby did this work. Either Sumi or Juthi said the fact. Neither --- nor: Neither Mini nor Tinni passed in the exam. Or: Study hard or you will fail in th...