Pronoun and its kind
Def. A pronoun is a word use in place of a noun. Pronouns are of eight kinds: 1. Personal Pronoun 2. Demonstrative Pronoun 3. Interrogative Pronoun 4. Indefinite Pronoun 5. Distributive Pronoun 6. Reflexive Pronoun 7. Relative Pronoun 8. Reciprocal Pronoun 1. Personal Pronoun 1 st Person I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours. 2 nd Person You, your, yours, thou, thee, thine. 3 rd person He, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs 2. Demonstrative Pronoun This, that, these, those, so, such, same, one, ones, it. 3. Interrogative Pronoun Who, what, whom, which. 4. Indefinite Pronoun any. none, one, ones, some, someone, everybody, somebody. 5. Distributive Pronoun Each, neither, each other, one another. 6. Reflexive Pronoun Myself, Himself, myself, themselves, herself, ourselves ...