Pronoun and its kind
A pronoun is a word use in place of a noun. Pronouns are of eight kinds:
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Demonstrative Pronoun
3. Interrogative Pronoun
4. Indefinite Pronoun
5. Distributive Pronoun
6. Reflexive Pronoun
7. Relative Pronoun
8. Reciprocal Pronoun
1. Personal Pronoun
1st Person | I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours. |
2nd Person | You, your, yours, thou, thee, thine. |
3rd person | He, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs |
2. Demonstrative Pronoun
This, that, these, those, so, such, same, one, ones, it. |
3. Interrogative Pronoun
Who, what, whom, which. |
4. Indefinite Pronoun
any. none, one, ones, some, someone, everybody, somebody. |
5. Distributive Pronoun
Each, neither, each other, one another. |
6. Reflexive Pronoun
Myself, Himself, myself, themselves, herself, ourselves |
7. Relative Pronoun
Who, which, that, what, something, someone. |
8. Reciprocal Pronoun
Each other, One another. |
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