
01. Jute Or, The Golden Fiber of Bangladesh (w-402)           
         Jute is considered as the main cash crop of Bangladesh because once we earned a lot of foreign currency by exchanging it. It is golden in colour so that it is called the golden fiber. We have to know what it is, where it grows, how it is grown, how the fiber is obtained, and its uses.            
         Jute is a kind of fiber but we get it from the bark of a jute plant. The height of the jute plants is generally 8 to 12 feet. It is a branchless plant and leaves grow on its stem. The steam of the plant is covered with a thick bark that contains fiber.    
         But jute grows well mainly in low and moist land like Bangladesh, which is full moist land and its vast land, is suitable to grow jute. Generally it goes under water during the rainy season. It grows well Bangladeshi districts in Dhaka, Comilla, Noakhali, Faridpur, Mymensingh and Pabna etc. These places are famous for cultivation. It also grows in Thailand, China and our neighbour country India.                
         At first the cultivators prepare soil very well and sow seeds in a month of April. After a few days the little plants come out. The farmer wipes out the grasses and weeds when the plants grow two or three inches high. They put manure or fertilizer to grow very well.                
        Secondly they manure in the fields in two or three months. Then the plants are cut down and tied up in bundles and plunged them under the water for some days. The bacteria helps to write the bark then it taken out of water and fiber is pulled off from the bark. At last it is washed in the water and dried in the sun. In this way jute is made for ready to sale in the market.                
        Although jute is taken in a struggled way but it is helpful for us. Different kinds of clothes, ropes, bags, mats, brushes, carpet and papers are made by jute. Its stalks are used to make hardboard and fence. Green leaves of jute are used as vegetables.               
        In fine we can say that it is prospective cash crop for our country and it will be helpful for our nature. The Government recently condemns polybag. So it can be used as the alternative using of polybag. So to grow jute more is necessary for nature and our country.  
02. Rice Or, Staple Food Or, Paddy (w-337)          
       Rice is a kind of food known as staple grain or corn in our country. We get it from paddy plant. About half of the world lives on it. Rice grows well in moist and hot climate area as Bangladesh, Burma, India, Italy, China, Japan, Thailand, Egypt and Russia. In Bangladesh Barisal, Patuakhali, Noakhali, Dinajpur, Faridpur and Comilla are famous in this respect. We have to know its kinds and planting season, cultivation methods, rice making process and uses.            
       As an essential food grain there are three kinds of rice in our country. These are seasonal named as Aush , Aman and Boro. In Boro season another rice is now known as IRRI. Aush rice is planted in the month of Baishakh or Jhaisthya and Aman rice is planted in the Ashar and Sraban. But Boro rice is planted in Poush and Magh.           For cultivation, at first seedbed is ploughed and harrowed well then seeds are sown. After few days, little plants come out from the seed. When the plants grow few inches high then they are wipe out from seedbed and sown in another new fields in rows at intervals. Then the cultivator wipes out the weeds from the field and they water the land in dry season. After three months the paddy ripens and then cut down and separated from the plants. After boiling the paddy farmers dry them in the sun and husks by Dheki or machine. Thus rice is found.          After getting rice from the paddy we boil and then eat with other food elements. Sometimes we make Khai and Chira from paddy. Mori is made from rice. Many kinds of foods and cakes are prepared from sunlight rice. The straw and husk are used as fuel in the rural area. It’s also used as the food of cattle.           
       In fine we can say that rice is useful staple food. So we should help to increase the production of rice in any cost. Our government should take necessary steps for its successful increasing.   
03. Tea Or, the second cash crop Or, Hot drink. (W-363)            
      Tea is a cash crop with worldwide popularity. It is a most popular hot drink in our country. Almost all the people of the world like it. We have to introduce with its growing place, methods of planting and plucking of leaves, preparing, merits and demerits.            
       Tea grows very well in the hilly area. It is largely grown in China, India, Ceylon, Brazil, Indonesia and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh Sylhet and Chittagong Hill Tracts are suitable for tea cultivation.           
        Seeds are sown in the nursery at the beginning. Little seedling comes out within a few days. After growing several inches high the trees are transplanted in the tea garden. The garden is manured and weeded well timely by the garden caretakers. It is planted in the slope place of the hill.           
       Tea leaves and buds are gathered several times in a year. The garden workers pluck tealeaves. After plucking the leaves are dried in the sun and it become copper colour. They are sending to a hot air-room to become black or crisp. The leaves and buds, which are dried slowly, make the black tea and dried quickly to make the crisp tea. Thus tea becomes ready for use and sale.            
         We can prepare tea easily. At first we boil water in a kettle and then a quantity of tealeaves put into the boiled water. After sometime the leaves spread it colour and the water become reddish and it is called liquor. Liquor is poured into cups or flax and necessary sugar and milk are mixed with it. Sometimes we use raw tea. It is poured in the boiled hot water then mixed sugar. Thus tea is made for drinking.           
          Tea helps us to become active in our life. It also refreshes our mind and body. In village area people take tea. Most of the people of our people country are very fond of drinking tea. Besides from tea we earn a lot of foreign exchange in every fiscal year. But drinking much tea is very bad for health. It is also harmful to us.          Tea is greatly useful to us. We should increase the tea cultivation. Our government should provide necessary fund to the cultivator.
04. Your Native Village  Or, our countryside (w-394)      
            The name of my village or birthplace is Eklashpur where I was born and brought up. In this connection I have a great love to my native village. Its area, communication system, natural scenarios are mentionable.      My village is a big and old one. It is about four miles long and three miles wide. It is three miles from Chaumuhani Metropolitan area in Noakhali district. A railway line is gone through on the village. About 18000 people live in this village. It is thickly populated village in our police station. Most of the people of our country are farmers. Some of them are service holders and some of them are businessmen. People of various communities live here. But most of them are Muslims and few of them are Hindus.       
The communication system of my village is not bad at all. A good metalloid road runs through the village. It is connected with police station Begumgonj and district Noakhali. There are some raw roads. They become muddy during the rainy season. There is big canal eastern side of the village. One can go our village by bus or rickshaw or can go on foot by railway line.     
The houses of the village are mostly made of bamboo, wood, straw and tin. Few houses including schools, community Centers and mosques made of bricks. There is a large market in my village. It is mainly sits twice in Friday and Monday. We can buy rice vegetables and other daily necessaries from this market. This market is called Eklashpur Bazar. But now the gathering is not suitable. The climate of the village is moderate. It is quite suitable for good health. So, most of the people living here are healthy. It is an ideal village. There are two high schools and several primary schools. There are also two Madrasahs in our village. There is a post office in the village. They are situated at a justified distance. The natural beauty of our village is very charming. The surrounding sights are green and vast, the tree of different kind adds to its beauty. Especially coconut trees are looked alive.     
Really our village is very beautiful and its populations are kind hearted to all. They help us in our works. Everyone who goes there never forget them for their beneficial help. So we should do something to our village people.
05. My Aim in Life  Or Future Plan Or, My Future Plan of Life (w-318)   
 Life is a continuous leading activity. Its soundness always depends on balance plan. There is a proverb; a man without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. We can easily say that an aimless person never reach in his goals. Therefore a good plan is always agreeable to us.    
 Aims become different according to persons. Someone likes to be engineer, someone likes to be a doctor and others like to be service-holder, a few of rest like to be a teacher and so on. But I would like to be a teacher. As I dislike a gorgeous leading of life. There are many teachers in our country but most of them are now become commercial. It downed our head. I like to change this odd position. A teacher is a nation builder. He/she has some responsibilities to change the society. To make the society pure, every nation needs a pure reformer. A teacher can be a reformer. He/she can observe the society closely and can take a necessary step to change the society. I want to do this.     
 Now I am preparing for SSC examination. After passing SSC examination I shall admit in Dhaka College. After passing HSC examination I shall admit at Dhaka University as a student of English Language. After passing my BA and Master degree I shall face BCS to be a college teacher. I would like to complete a thesis on learning process. After completing this research I would like to do something for the prevailing nation.   
 I take a necessary step for the poor students because they cannot continue their study for cost and poverty. It was my long cherished desire to serve the poor students. With this help they would be able to form their future career and establish themselves.      In fine we can conclude that aim is essential for us and it helps us to continue our future activities.
06. Your Daily Life  Or, Daily Routine  Or, Daily Time-table (w-334)        
Daily life is a period of time that a man spends in his daily activities, includes all actions, functions and duties.  Our life is very short but out activities is broad. So we have to follow a schedule timetable to perform our duties. As a student I have also a schedule timetable that I follow in my every day life.
 I usually get up early in the morning and brush my teeth, wash my hands and face then I pray my fazar prayer towards God. Then I go out for a walk in an open air. After half an hour I come back home and have my breakfast. Next I sit in my reading table to learn my lessons. I take my bath and meals by 10:00 a.m. and then start for school.
 I usually sit in the first bench at school. I pay full attention to my respectable teacher’s interesting lesson. In the leisure period I take light dinner and then go to common room to read newspapers or to play indoor games.          I return home from school in the afternoon. After changing my dress I washing my hands and face and I have my meals and having taken a little rest I go to the playing ground to play different games.  I usually go to the field and I stay there before the sunset. I sometimes take care of my flower garden in the afternoon.       
I come back home in the evening and wash my hands and face. Then I take a light dinner with a cap of raw-tea and sit at my reading table to learn my lessons. At 8:00 o’clock at night I listen to the news on the television and again sit at my reading table. At about 10:00 o’clock I have my supper and then go to bed have a sound sleep.       
A routine life is well regulated. It helps the man to reach the goal of life. So I strictly follow the timetable of my daily life.
07. Student Life  Or, Life of a Student (w-354)      
The period of life that spends in a school, college or university is called student life. It is a period of preparation. In every community, students face problems individually. Student life becomes a happy period if the students find glad in study. So it is called the seedtime of life. If the seeds are good then the harvest or fruit must be good otherwise not. It is essential for students. There is a proverb, “Students’ contemplation is study.”     
Life is not bed of roses. So struggle is a must for the students. They can divide their time properly.  They spend a routine life in school, college and university.  They have to complete their syllabic study then have to learn more out of syllabus. The world around must be curious for a good student. A good student always studies more and more. The student must remember that he is going to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is unlimited. So learning would be continuous for them.     
 Patriotism is a good quality for all. A student must have deep faith on their culture and history. It helps to make the students confident. Student should learn about their society and their country. For this they have to read the daily newspaper. Newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge. It helps to know about the home and abroad. Study tour is a medium for the student to know the different environment and different geographical places.     
In school the authority arrange co-curricular activities like debate, reciting poem, discussions, seminar and symposium. Students should contest with these items. It widens their knowledge. Sometimes the school authority publishes magazine. Students should write something as creative writings or drawing. It is more effective for their creativity and also helpful to remove monotony.   
 Student can help the flood affected people, they can help to understand about malnutrition, sanitation, population explosion etc. They can distribute food, medicine, pure drinking water and cloths to the affected people. In fine we can say that the student should make a proper division of his/her time and involve different activities to make them social. Because, knowledge is being gained from different sources.
      08. Physical Exercise (w-225)        
Physical exercise is regular movement of limbs. It is helpful for sound body and mind. It makes our body strong. It refreshes our mind. There is a proverb, “A sound mind lives in a sound body.” We generally hear the saying from common people.        
Exercises are of different kinds. They are known as walking, riding, swimming, racing etc. When a man goes one place to another on foot then it is called walking. It is good for health.        
Riding is another kind of exercise; people can rise on high place or on an animal is known as riding. Formerly people tried their best to be a good rider. Especially those who were expert in riding were the best warrior.         Swimming is another kind of exercise. It is beneficial for making strong muscle man. Those who can swim in the water can protect them from drowning.  .
 Racing is another kind of exercise. It is beneficial for whole body. By it people can balance themselves.          Physical exercises are related with persons and their body strength. All shorts of exercises are not suitable for all the people.  A weak man cannot take part in a football or hokey or cricket. It is not also suitable for him who is weak. Strongmen can take part in all kinds of games. Walking is also the best exercise for all. 

  09. The Postman (W-234)       
A postman is he who is a familiar person related with delivering letter, percales both in towns and countryside. Generally he puts on a khaki dress. It is his uniform to wear supplied by the postal department. From the beginning of the civilization men lived with their relatives. For the advancement of the civilization they are now living far from families and relatives. Their relatives remain anxious for the news from their near and dear ones. For this he has to communicate with his family. So postal service is a must for him.        
The postman is an ill-paid postal servant. He is also renowned as the friend of the people. He sorts out letters and puts them into his bag and goes out to deliver them to the proper address. He also carries letters, parcels. His day begins with sunrise morning and continues until sunset the evening of the day.        
But a postman must be dutiful, active and kind hearted honest people. He sometimes continues his normal duties neglecting the sun and the rain. At first he opens the postal-box and takes out the letters and then seals them with a date-stamp and does his duties according to the office schedule.       
Then he goes from door to door to supply articles. All classes of people are the friend of him. In society he possesses a unique position. We should respect him as an essential person.

   10. Discipline (w-208)         
 Discipline means obedience to rules framed for regulations and human conduct. Man is a social being. He cannot whatever he likes. He has to obey some rules of the society and the country. It is called discipline.         The universe is also under the law and order of the creator Allah. There are many rules whose are obeyed by other nations living above. The spirits and the angels obey their own rules for their own.         
Educational institution is the best place for learning discipline. Students admit in a school or a college. There they obey some rules in the classroom as well as in the school area. They must do what their teachers say. They must obey their elder mates also. In this way they learn discipline.        
The army, police and BDR are also under the rules and regulations. They are the main idol for the nation to learn discipline. They practice their rules regularly in their barrack. In this way the are the idol for us.          

Discipline gives us peace and prosperity. It is beneficial for us in field of learning. If the people obey their rules they remain happy and can lead prosperous life. So we should follow the discipline as the other creation follow it in above.
11. Television      Television is an electronic instrument of entertainment. It comes from the Latin word ‘Tele’ and ‘vicious’ which means distance seeing. Modern world is under the  age of science. It helps us to go to a step ahead. It is the greatest achievement  of modern science. It is a multimedia in a word. It has the   
 do same time.Mr. L Beyard invented television in 1921 and it came to the market in 1930-39. At the period of second world war and  the end of it in 1945.It became popular all over the world.
Television combines televised scenes with a take to reproducing sounds.  This is  done by installing a radio telephones at the two ends are  thus able  to hear  and  see each other. At the receiving station both the vision and  the sound  signals  are  made to pass through a radio  frequency amplifier  and frequency changer  with  the result that the signals devise themselves. In fact, the television is a  system  which employs mechanical photo, electrical and photo, electrical and  wireless processes for reproducing scene, object, etc. at a distance.  In many ways  the method has the likeness to that of the cinema.
The difference is that in the cinema pictures on a long film are reproduced while 
in the television an actual moving figures: i. e. the face of a speaker or of an actor 
is reproduced.
Television is a great improvement over the radio. Only by hearing a man’s speaking 
we may not understand him fully, but we both see and hear him his speech is likely 
to produce 
greater effect on our minds. It is thus clear that the television has a very great importance. 
Its growing popularity shows that it can be an effective instrument of entertainment and valuable 
medium of instruction. In western countries, it has already been playing this role with greater and 
greater success. In Bangladesh a Television station has been set up at Dhaka. It is hoped that this 
powerful organ of entertainment and instruction will have a network throughout the country before 
Television is a popular invention of modern science. It is, however, very costly.
12. Newspaper (w-336)   
The paper which carries the news from different places or countries is called newspaper. It collects the news all over the world. In the modern world it is the part of civilization. It is very useful thing for the conscious people. Even we cannot think of modern life without it.    There are many kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies and quarterlies half-yearly, yearly. The dailies contain news and views about the daily affairs of the whole world.  There are some other papers which are known as periodicals and magazines. They contain literary articles. There are many English and Bengali dailies in our country. They are the Ittefaq. The Inqilab, The Juganter, The Observer, The Bangladesh Times etc.    Newspaper first published in China. In 16th century, at the reign of Mughal; manuscript type of newspaper was published in our country. ‘Samacher Darphan’ was the first newspaper which was published during the English reign. ‘Indian Gazette’ is the first newspaper in Indo-Bangladesh. It was published in 1744. The Azad is the first daily newspaper in Bangladesh. Now-a-days newspapers are highly developed.    
Newspapers supply us with different kinds of news. It acquaints us with all the important happenings. People can learn different kinds of knowledge from newspaper. Now-a-days there are some pages for the students where different subject-knowledge are available. So they are helpful for the students.    There are some newspapers. They present news from their view of point. Their news is not neutral. In this respect people may have wrong information and latter on they repent for this. So everybody should have the capacity to judge the news of newspaper.    Newspaper helps the people to know many things. They may be benefited sometimes and they deprived by it. It has two sides: one is good and the other is bad. In spite of some bad sides newspaper is a part and parcel to modern life. As a media it has an educative value also.
13 .Wonders of Modern Science: w - 482         
This is an age of science. The scientists invented many things and continue their efforts to go ahead. So it is a continual process. These process will go on and on till the end of the worlds. In the period of time what the scientist invented, we can only explain about some of them.        Steam engine was another invention of science. By this invention we found train service for transportation. James Watt was the pioneer of it.        

   Electricity is one of the best inventions. Much development depends on it. So it is helpful to us as power. Most of the invention depends on electricity.          
    Then we can mention about radio which was very interesting when it was invented. Actually without any wire telecasting anything was astonish-able to human. In a radio station news and views are transforming into electric wave which a radio can collect from Ion-sphere and decode as news and views with in very short time. The history says that first the theory of radio was invented by Jagadish Chandra Bashu who was from Munshigonj Bangladesh but was not interested to use it as trade. In the mean time Marconi proclaimed the news of its invention. In this way we knew that Marconi invented radio which he used by trade.          
    Next we knew about Television which was invented by John L Beard in 1921. I this machine sounds and picture are transforming into electric wave which is taken by the decoder. As a result pictures and sounds are available to us. Television is source of entertainment recent time. We use it to know current messages.          Airplane was invented by Wilber Right and Orbil Right. By this invention human being could able to fly in the sky at large. It is also used for both journey and transport. Once men wanted to fly. It became reality to them. There are different kinds of plane name as fighter, concord, MIG, Bowing, etc. Space technology also depends on it. Rocket is using for space exploration.        
  Bio Technology gives us more food and Bio-gas plant. Using this we are having gases by which we can cook easily.           
     Computer is another electronic device which was invented by scientists. Charles Babes gave theory and invented an analytical engine. Next Howard Aiken transforms it as computer. It is also the invention of science. Now it is being used for multipurpose activities.          
    Mobile phone is also another one which gives to us the world in the fist of our hand. It is a revolution for the communication system. Now-a-days nobody write any letter to communicate even in our country let alone outer world.
   From the discussion above we can conclude that science is the source of development of the globe. It changes the globe day by day by following the policy of science. So science is wonders for us as well as curse for our misuse of it.   
     14. Value of Time 
        Value of time means to emphasis on time, for proper work in a proper moment. It is the most valuable phenomena for all. Time is more valuable than money. It goes on and on; but does not come back. We can regain lost money and health. If time once gone is gone forever.
         Our life is nothing but total of some hours days and years. So we should use our time properly. If we misuse time, that would be a great loss for us. To kill time means shorten our life. If we don’t do our duty proper time then too many work will remain unfinished at the end of our life. For this, we cannot neglect our time. In our society there is a proverb- chance comes for once.          
We should know the value of time for the success of our life. But we always don’t keep time. It is really bad. For example, a notice has been served that a meeting  will be held  at 5 p.m. the people  of our country will come 6 p.m. This is the habit of us. This is nothing but a bad habit. This bad habit is responsible for our unconscious life. But success depends on proper use of time.          

 If we study the lives of the great men of the world we will be able to know that they never waste their time rather they use their time properly. Like them, if we do not waste our time we achieve success within a moment. So, for the bright prospect of our future children should be taught to inculcate the value of time from their childhood.      
      Even some lower animals are too active to do their work. The ants, the birds, the bee, and other animals are active. They gather their food. Man is the best creation of Allah. So he should make the best use of time.

       15. Fruits of Bangladesh (w-384)   
Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. Its’ natural scenario are formed as its kind gift. Fruits are the gift of nature for our country. As an agricultural country her soil is very fertile. So she is rich in fruits. Most of the fruits are found in the summer. They are called summer fruits. 

          There are many kinds of fruits in our country. They differ in shape, size and test. The summer fruits are juicy and tasty. Looking this we can feel that God’s gift is based on wisdom. In hot seasons when we need to drink, at that time the fruits become juicy as if it drives our thirst.         
The summer fruits are known as mango, jack-fruit, pineapple, the plum, watermelon, the black berry. The mango is the best summer fruit of our country. It is as sweet as juicy. So it is called the prince of fruits. Mangoes are found in Rajshahi division. Gopalbog, Mohonbog, Langra are famous for sweet, flavor and taste. It is also nutritious as banana. Fazli is the best of all mangoes. Almost all children, young and old are fond of ripe mangoes. Jack-fruit is another summer fruit. It is very large in size and full of sweet juice. Pineapple is fleshy fruit. It is very sweet to taste. The palm is another fruit. It is a tasty as medicine of many unknown diseases. Watermelon is one of the juiciest fruit of our country. Sometimes people make juice of water melon and mix sugar with it. Then it becomes very tasty. Orange is a winter fruit. It is also full of juice. It contains huge Vitamin-C. The coconut is a common fruit. It grows over the year. Especially it grows in the coastal area as Noakhali, Feni, Luxmipur, Bhola, Barishal, and Jhalkathi and so on. Champa, Sabri, Amritasagar etc. are famous bananas in Bangladesh. People make jelly, syrup and different kind of sauce by the fruits. Litchi is an important fruit that supplies energy to us. The more we eat litchi the more we get energy. These fruits are delicious. 

         Though Bangladesh is rich in fruits but these are not sufficient to meet our demand as we have more people. We should take proper attempt to grow more fruits in our country. As a result our want would be removed. 
     16.Floods of Bangladesh  Or, Recent Flood in Bangladesh  
        Flood is a natural calamity. It happens for our lack of knowledge about flood. Moreover Bangladesh is a land of river. Most of them flow from Himalayas. They are flowing with their numerous tributaries and distributaries  before falling into the Bay of Bengal. The width of these rivers is increasing due to river erosion and depth is decreasing due to siltation. Therefore rivers are losing their navigability  (Continue)
       17. Your Childhood Memories 
            Or, Your Childhood Days (w-375)          
      Children are the gift of God. Childhood is the sweet time for everyday. Everyday remains free from tensions, anxiety and grim realties of life. So we easily remain in pleasure. When we fell in trouble and anxiety, at that our mind seeks peace and tranquility and always turns back to the childhood. Naturally we are doing this in our present life.          
       Life others my childhood was a great source of joy and delight. Nothing can be more delightful to me as the memories of my childhood. At that time I was free. I roamed from bush to bush to seek the nest of tiny birds. I followed the birds that are the mother of small birds. Sometimes my mother scolded me for this; but I was very much curious in this work.          
            I had another habit. I would like to make different kinds of cars. In rural area I had shortage of materials. But I collected the materials and can be able to make it. But other family members of mine became bore for my activities. As a result they tried to stop me. Then my attention turns into reading. So I gave up those activities that bore my neighbours.          
            In my childhood I had no habit for visiting my relatives.  So in a holiday I walked along the village road slowly and followed the natural changes. The changing of nature sometimes allured me. Especially at the beginning of rainy season, I used to observe the wave in the vacant cornfield. This looked me like a river. But palm trees were in the horizon. I tried to draw it. But I am not an artist. Sometimes we went to the jangle to see different kinds of fruit trees.          
         In fact my childhood memories were different from others, as I was different from other.  I tried to do something alone in my home. And I was always attracted by beautiful thing. Even I had to quarrel for many things. Someone says,”Childhood is safe.” But my opinion is differing from others. In one sense it may be right but not right for all of the sense. Especially for the poor of Bangladesh this sense is incorrect. Though there are different problems but it is easier for a child than his/her old age.40.The Poet I Like Most Everybody has a preferable person. I also have one like others. He is none but our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is known as a rebel poet. He wrote many poems which helps us to influence us against The English ruler at that time. He was born at Churulia of the district of Bardawn in Indian sub-continent in 1899.  (Continue)
       18  Our Independent Day      
      Every nation would like to be free. For this, they have to fight against the opposite ruler. When their aspiration rise more then they attempt to fight and sometimes they win or fail. After winning the war they celebrate a fixed date for showing several activities that is named as independent day. Every year in our country we celebrate our independent with glorious outlook.      
      Being failure of different attempts against our aspiration the Pakistani soldiers started fighting against us at the night of the 25th march. So that night is being mentioned as a dark night of our history. Therefore 26th march is our independent day. Our war prevailed nine months then we became free by the sign of surrender document of Pakistani soldiers under Mr .G.S. Aurora the east General of India in Sohrawardi Udyan. As a result we had to free the Pakistani soldiers with the deed of Indira-Muzib in Simla to the choice of Pakistan. Hence our tragedy started.      
      In that day we start out activities from previous night with Toppothani at 12:01 a.m. In the morning at first we give flower buckeye at the National Memorial at Savar. Then we arrange different programme in Bangabandhu Stadium as assembly of students. We enjoy their physical activities. Try to make them jolly and help them promise to save our country future. We arrange prize for their best activities. We refresh and live them for future. In the evening we arrange discussion about independent day. There the freedom fighters are invited to describe their activities while fighting.      
      From that day we remember our freedom fighters for their self sacrifice in every independent day. They fought against the enemy soldiers for our economic development and their dream was to make our country rich. But their dream is unfulfilled still now. So their soul may not satisfy with us for our failure. We cry for them but can’t sacrifice for their shake.      
     As an independent nation we did not make our country happy by working well. We are lazy in work but smart at talking and hating. Now-a-days we are so furious that we can not tolerate the different opinions. It is not fit for our democracy. We should be liberal in case of our thinking, liking, believing and so on.       
     Independent day is not only for remembering our freedom fighters. But it also reminds us our duty what we had done and what we should do. We remember them as well as make us fit for the competition with the outer world. We should try to earn honest way. In this way we can counter our enemies.

       19. Importance of Media:      
     Media is a system of communication, information and entertainment. It is helpful for human being. It centres on human activity. There are a lot of media in our country. They are known as newspaper, radio, television, computer etc. I would like to express about them respectively.     
      As a common media we read several kinds of newspaper daily. Daily, weekly, pictorial, monthly newspaper bear comments for the society and the country. Here idea is a main. Most of the newspapers are not neutral especially in Bangladesh. They make the society unstable rather than supply news. Sometimes it contains nonsense ideology and activities.      
      Radio is an instrument of entertainment as well as full of news and views. It is a telecasting media of wireless. It supplies news and views for the people. Sometimes it contains English spoken learning class and educational programmes for the people.      
     Like radio television is another media of entertainment. Recently different channels are available for the people. Most of them contain news and views for them also. Television is based on picture lively. So its impact on general people is intensive. It may make chaos incidentally. Other programmes are available as malnutrition, education, knowledge based and full of enjoyment.      
      Another electronic media is known as computer. With the help of it people do many works as composing and printing, e-mail and e-cash, transfer data, store data and save data. It may use as entertainment instruments.      
     Though media makes a man conscious but it has some bad effects. To protect the bad effect it should handover to the good man who are good as a man and a religious person also.

20. A Journey by boat
A journey often gives a pleasure. A journey by boat is also a pleasure. A journey by boat is joyful and pleasant to me. Bangladesh is a land of River. So, a journey by boat is a common journey in our country.
During the last autumn’s vacation, I and some of my friends made a journey by boat. One of our friends invited us to go his house at Dohar. His house was on the side of river Padma. We started from our own village.

It was 2004. We hired a boat. It was the month of December. We started at 8 a.m. in the morning. The day was fine. The river was calm and quiet. The sky was clear. There were two boatmen in the boat. The boatman sailed. Many small boats were sailing on the river. Fishermen were catching fishes. Village women were taking water. The bank of river looked golden with green paddy. Men were cutting paddy. All these sights gave us joy. Our boat reached at the ghat of Padma Degree College. The boatman took a rest there for some time.
We reached Padma Degree College at noon. We bathed in the river, took our food and took rest for an hour. Then we started for Dohar. Our boat reached at the ghat of our friends’ house in the evening. He was waiting for us there. We got down.

A journey by boat is a joyful journey. We shall never forget this journey. It gave me much pleasure. We enjoyed the journey very much.

21. A Journey by Bus
Journeys are always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps up with joy. I got an opportunity to make a journey by bus. My friend, Sohel, serves in Khulna. He invited me to pay a visit to Khulna.
On the 4th September, I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at Gabtali bus stand. I procured a ticket the day before. The bus was to start at 7 a.m. So, I reached the Gabtali bus stand at 6 a.m. The seats of the coach were comfortable. Luckily, I had my seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus left at 7 a.m.
The bus started running at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle of the city. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchards, and trees on both sides of the highway. I also enjoyed beautiful campus of the Jahangir Nagar University, the Savar Dairy Farm, and Savar Cantonment. The bus was moving ahead leaving behind the trees, houses and small shops on either side of the road. It was really very delightful to watch the green beauties of nature.
An interesting part of the journey was crossing the mighty river, the Padma, by ferry. We reached at Aricha within an hour and a half. The driver told us to get down from the bus. When I got down from the bus and got on the ferry, I felt a good relief and saw the boats plying on the placid water of the mighty river. At the ferry ghat, there were some hawkers and vendors who were selling fruits, chanachur, muri, betel leaf, and the cigarette. Some passengers bought muri and chanachur. Crossing by ferry in the gentle breeze was very pleasant.
Our bus reached Daulatdia ghat. Again I took my seat. The bus began to run at a high speed. We crossed Rajbari and Faridpur on the way. We also crossed Magura and Jhenaidah on the way and reached Jessore town at about 2 p.m. I enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery on the other side of the highway. When our bus stopped at Jessore, some passengers got down. Our bus reached Khulna at 3:30 p.m. Sohel received me at the bus stand.
The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in my life. The memory of this journey always hurts me in a great deal.

22. A Journey by Train 

A journey is pleasant to all. A journey by train is especially very pleasant and enjoyable to me. A few days ago I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong.

During the last vacation one of my friends requested me to attend his sister’s marriage ceremony at Chittagong. So I got a chance to make a journey by train. I accepted this invitation gladly.

Two other friends joined with me. On the fixed day we reached Kamalapur Railway Station at 07:00 A.M. The station was very crowded. Somehow we managed to buy our tickets. With great difficulty we got into the train. Fortunately I got my seat beside the window. After a few minutes the guard blew the whistle and the train began to move on. At first the train moved on slowly. There it began to run in full speed.

I kept looking outside through the window. The train was passing through the green fields. Dew drops on green grasses were glittering like pearls. Trees and houses seemed to run behind. We saw the farmers working in the field. Cattle were grazing here and there. I enjoyed the scenes with cheerful mind. The train stopped at a few big stations. We bought boiled eggs, bananas, and magazines etc. from the hawkers. When the train started from Feni Station, I saw the hills of Chittagong. On the right I saw the vast sheet of water of the Bay of Bengal. All these pleased me very much.

At last, the train reached Chittagong at 02:00 P.M. We got down from the train and saw my friend at the station. He came to receive to us. He became very pleased to see us.

It was the most pleasant journey in my life. I enjoyed it so much that the memory to the journey will remain ever fresh in my heart.


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