Proverbs in English
English Proverbs
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
■ A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
(an inefficient man complains with his tools)
■ A beggar may sing before a pickpocket.
(a beggar has nothing to lose)
■ A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
(one today is worth two in the bush)
■ A burnt child fears the fire or dreads the fire.
(experience teach us caution)
■ A cat has nine lives.
(a cat is more tenacious of life than any animals.)
■ A drowning man catches at a straw.
(while there is life there is hope.)
■ Adversity often leads to prosperity.
(misery has its sequel in happiness)
■ A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(a true friend is one to depend upon in trouble)
■ After clouds comes fair weather.
(happiness follows misery.)
■ After death comes doctor.
(to be wise after the event)
■ After meat comes mustard.
(hunger waits for no delicacy.)
■ After sweetmeat comes sour sauce.
(if you laugh today, you may cry tomorrow)
■ A good beginning is a half the battle.
(a good start of war, a clear sign of victory.)
■ A little learning is a dangerous thing.
(shallow knowledge turns one’s head.)
■ All covet, all lost.
(grasp all, lose all)
■ All feet tread not in one shoe.
(as many men, so many minds.)
■ All his geese are swans.
(one’s own things are the best.)
■ All seems yellow to the jaundiced eye.
(to a biased mind everything is in fault.)
■ All’s well that ends well
(it is a right if it turns out well in the end.)
■ All that glitter is not gold.
(trust not appearance)
■ All things come to him who waits.
(tarry longs bring much home.)
■ A man is known by the company he keeps.
(one can know the character of a man from his friends.)
■ An as that is a common property, is always worst saddled.
(everybody’s business is nobody’s business.)
■ An Ethiopian will not change his skin.
(one’s own nature remains unchange.)
■ A penny saved is a penny earned.
(little savings make a mighty sum.)
■ A pet lamb makes a cross ram.
(too much indulgence spoils a child.)
■ A rolling stone gathers no moss.
(an unsteady fellow will never make good.)
■ Arthur could not control a woman’s tongue.
(none can control a woman’s tongue.)
■ Art is long life is short.
(life is too short for all that we have to learn.)
■ A serpent under the flower.
(treachery masked in friendship.)
■ As the evil, so is the remedy.
(a drastic remedy is necessary when things get very bad.)
■ A sleeping fox catches no poultry.
(an idle fellow can do nothing in life.)
■ As is the wind blows, you must set your sail.
(make the best of an opportunity.)
■ A stitch in time saves nine.
(remove a defect in time)
■ As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
(as you brew, so you drink)
■ As you sow, so you reap.
(you must pay for the evil you do.)
■ A tree is known by its fruit.
(a man’s actual character is known by his action.)
■ Bachelor’s wives and maid’s children are always well taught.
(to be worried about things that do not matter.)
■ Barking dog seldom bite.
(angry words and threats lead to nothing worse.)
■ Before you marry, be sure of a house wherein to tarry.
(think twice before you take a risk.)
■ Beggars must not be choosers.
( those who seek favour must accept any term.)
■ Better an empty house than an ill tenant.
(better alone than in evil company)
■ Better late than never.
(it is better to do a thing later than never.)
■ Birds of a feather flock together.
(like draws like.)
■ Blood is thicker than water.
(the tie of kindred is real)
■ Blue are the hills that are far from us.
(distance lends enchantment to the view.)
■ Build castle in the air.
(indulge oneself in daydream.)
■ Call a spade a spade.
(speak plane and spare none.)
■ Carry coal to Newcastle.
(help one who needs no help.)
■ Cast pearls before swine.
(waste too good a thing on one least deserving.)
■ Catch at the shadow and lose the substance.
( a fantastic scheme of happiness.)
■ Charity begins at home.
(help yourself first, and then you can help others.)
■ Cleanliness is next to godliness.
( man is made god when he becomes clean.)
■ Cut off ones nose to spite one’s face.
( injure oneself in order that some one else may also be injured.)
■ Cut your coat according to your cloth.
( spend within your means.)
■ David and Jonathan.
( a pair of devoted friends.)
■ Diligence is the mother of good luck.
( hard work brings success.)
■ Discretion is the better part of valour.
( it is unwise to take unnecessary risks.)
■ Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
( don’t be sure of a thing until it is yours.)
■ Do or die.
( risk all to win.)
■ Empty vessels sound much.
( too much talk ends in nothing.)
■ Every dog has his day.
( nobody prospers for ever.)
■ Every man is for himself.
( everyone looks after his own interest.)
■ Every shoe fits not every foot.
( it takes time to get used to things.)
■ Example is better than precept.
( it is better to do good than to preach.)
■ Fair words butter no parsnips.
(empty promise will not help anybody in distress.)
■ Familiarity breeds contempt.
( get to know a man better and you will have less respect for him.)
■ Faults are thick where love is thin.
( you find everything wrong with a person whom you do not love , less love more censure.)
■ First deserve, then desire.
( qualify yourself to fulfil your desire.)
■ Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
( the rush will undertake a thing from which the wise shrink.)
■ Forgiveness is a great virtue.
( forgive and forget.)
■ Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
( make much of a man when he serves your purpose and then discard him)
■ Give him an inch and he’ll take an heil.
( give no change to an intruder.)
■ Give the devil his due .
( be just even to one who does not deserve sympathy.)
■ God help those who help themselves.
( God favours those who spare no pains.)
■ Good wine needs no bush .
( a known man need no recommendation.)
■ Great minds think alike.
(men of higher thinking think the same thing.)
■ Harm watch, harm catch.
(to be over cautious is to be trapped. )
■ Haste makes wastes.
( unnecessary hurry often causes bad thing.)
■ He can hardly keep the wolf from the door.
(he can not make both ends meet.)
■ He laughs best who laughs last.
( all’s well that ends well.)
■ He who has nothing to spare must not keep a dog.
( the needy should not be lavish of their gifts.
■ He who spits against the wind spits against his own face.
( he that touches pitch shall be defeated therewith.)
■ Honesty is the best policy.
( it pays to be honest.)
■ Hunger is the best sauce.
( hunger gives taste to our food.)
■ Indolence is the mother of poverty.
( the indolent on never thrive.)
■ It is never too late to mend.
( there is always time for rectifying a wrong.)
■ It is no use crying over spilt milk.
(let bygones be bygones.)
■ It takes two to make a quarrel.
( both are to blame in quarrel.)
■ Jack of all trades, master of none.( one does many things fairly well.)
■ Knowledge is power.
( knowledge rules the world.)
■ Know thyself.
(examine your own mind.)
■ Let bygones by bygones.
( let the dead past bury its dead.)
■ Let sleeping dogs lie.
( it is useless to deal with the vile.)
■ Like cures like.
( one poison is antidote against another poison. )
■ Look before you leaf.
( think before you act.)
■ Love is blind.
(one may fall in love with anybody.)
■ Make hay while the sun shines.
( as the wind blows you must set your sail.)
■ Many a little makes a mickle.
( many a penny makes a pound.)
■ Many drops make a shower.
( drops of water make the ocean.)
■ Misfortune never comes alone.
( one misfortune follows in the wake of another. )
■ Much ado about nothing .
( too much fuss and little is done.)
■ Necessity is the mother of good luck.
( urgent need impels one to device means.)
■ Necessity knows no law.
( one is extreme want may resort to anything.)
■ Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
(to make merry at the distress of others.)
■ None but a fool is always right.
( to err is human.)
■ No pains no gains.
( strive and you will win.)
■ No smoke without fire.
( there can be no effect without a cause.)
■ Nothing succeds like success.
( success leads to success.)
■ Nothing venture, nothing have.
( no risk no gain.)
■ Oh the times ! oh the manners.
( the old merry times are no more.)
■ Oil your own machine.
( mind your own business.)
■ One beats the bush , another catches the bird.
( one sows another reaps.)
■ One is not so soon healed as hurt.
( it takes more time tobuild up than to pull down.)
■ One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
( what is sport to the cat is death to the rat. )
■ One swallow does not make a summer.
( Now you get the best of me, but my turn will come again.)
■ Out of debt out of danger.
( One having no debt in happy.)
■ Out of sight out of mind.
( absence begets forgetfulness.)
■ Patience is better, but it fruits is sweet.
( wait and see, patience, however painful in the beginning, brings happiness in the end.)
■ Penny-wise, pound-foolish.
( thrifty is small things and careless in large ones.)
■ Practice makes a man perfect.
( do a thing again and again and it will come alright.)
■ Praise a fair day at night.
( suspend your judgement till the end. )
■ Pride goeth before destruction.
( pride has its fall.)
■ Quit not certainly for hope.
( do not exchange the substance for the shadow.)
■ Riches have wings.
( fortune is fickle.)
■ Rob peter to pay Paul.
( to benefit one at the expense of another.)
■ Rome was not build in a day.
( worth-while achievements take time and perseverance. )
■ Self-help is the best help.
( depend on yourself and you will succeed.)
■ Set a thief to catch a thief.
(one nail drives out another.)
■ Slow and steady wins the race.
( Perseverance begets success. )
■ Something is better than nothing.
( half a loaf is better than no loaf.)
■ Spare the rod and spoil the child.
( children are better disciplined when they are afraid of bodily punishment. )
■ Strike the iron while it is hot.
( make hay while sun shine. )
■ The child is the father to the man.
( one’s childhood decides what one will be in later years. )
■ The devil would not listen to the scripture.
( you can not reform a rogue. )
■ The die is cast.
( final decision has been taken.)
■ The grapes are sour.
( one blames what one can not get. )
■ The leopard can not change its spots.
( one can not change one’s nature.)
■ The more, the merrier.
( it is all the better to have more than less.)
■ There are less to every wine .
( there is no unmixed good. )
■ There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
( many accidents may occur while success seems assured. )
■ The saucepan should not call the cattle black.
( one bad man should not call another bad man a rogue.)
■ The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches.
(none but the suffers knows his trouble. )
■ Those who live in glass-house should not pelt stones at others.
( those who deserves criticism, should not criticize others.)
■ Tit for tat.
(exact retaliation, a return is kind.)
■ To err is human.
(it is natural for man to make mistakes.)
■ To make a mountain of a mole hill.
( magnify trifles.)
■ Too many cooks spoil the broth.
( too many helpers make a mess of the thing.)
■ Too much cunning overreaches itself.
( a very cunning fellow seldom wins.)
■ To the pure all things are pure.
( no evil can touch the pure.)
■ Two heads are better than one.
(we stand or full together.)
■ Two is company , three is none.
( two people make friend ship, but three people cause a rift among them.)
■ United we stand , divided we fall.
( unity is strength, disruption is ruin. )
■ Unity is strength.
( Nothing can overcome us while we are united. )
■ Virtue is its own reward.
(a holy deed requires no outside reward for satisfaction.)
■ Virtue thrives best in adversity.
( suffering is the test of virtue.)
■ Waste not want not.
( be careful about your money and you will never be in want. )
■ We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
(blessing are not valued till they are gone.)
■ What can’t be cured must be endured.
( one must submit to the inevitable. )
■ What is everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
( things are mismanaged when too many are interested in them.)
■ What is sauce for the gander is not sauce for the goose.
( what suits one , may not suit another.)
■ What is sports to the cat is death to the rat.
( what is good for one may be harmful to another.)
■ When in Rome do as the Roman’s do.
(when you find yourselves among strangers, imitate their behaviour and avoid trouble.)
■ When the danger is gone , God is forgotten.
( we leave God alone when we are safe from danger. )
■ Where there is a will there is a way.
( a strong will carries everything before it.)
■ Where there is smoke there is fire.
( nothing can come out of nothing , every effect must have a cause.)
■ While there is a life , there is a hope.
(a drowning man catches a straw.)