
Phrasal Preposition

A Abide by(obey)-He abide by his teachers. Abide with(live)-We abide with our parents. Abide in(living any place)-They abide in Khulna. Abound with(plenty)-The pond is abound with fishes. Abhorrence of()- Abhorrence to()- Absent from()- Absorbed in()- Abound in()- Absent from()- Abstain from()- Access to()- Act on()- Acceptable to()- According to()- Account for()- Accountable to()- Accused of()- Accustomed to()- Acquainted with()- Adapt for()- Adapt to()- Add to()- Adequate for()- Adept in()- Adequate to()- Addicted to()- Adjacent to()- Adhere to()- Admit to()- Admit into()- Adept in()- Adjacent to()- Adorn with()- Affection for()- Affectionate to()- Afford to()- Afraid of()- Agree with/on / to (a person-with, a point-on, a proposal-to)-We cannot agree to your proposal. Aim at()- Akin to()- These are akin to one another. Alarm at or by or for()- Alive to()- Alive with()- Allot to()- All along ()- Aloof from()- Apart from()- Amazed at Ambition for Ambition of Amount to Angry with Annoye

Phrasal Verbs

 A Abide by (মেনে চলা) - We must abide by the rules of country. Abstain from(বিরত থাকা) - I abstain  from smoking. Accede to (সম্মত হওয়া) -He acceded to my request Account for (ব্যাখ্যা করা) -He must account for his deeds. Act as (হিসেবে কাজ করা) -He acted as the minister of the country. Act  up (বিগড়ে যাওয়া) -The engine of the train acted up suddenly. Act under(আদেশ অনুসারে কাজ করা) -Soldiers acted under the order of the commander. Act on/upon(পালন করা) -You should act on your teachers' advice. Act for(কারো পক্ষে কাজ করা) - Hemel will act for me in my absence. Act against(বিপক্ষে কাজ করা) - He acted against our interest. Act up to(আশানুরূপ কাজ করা) -We should act up to our father's expectation. Add to(বৃদ্ধি করা) -The news of her good result added to my joy. Add up(সমষ্টি করা) -Add up the figures as early as possible. Adhere to(সংলগ্ন থাকা) -He adhered to his principle. Adjust to(মানানসই করে নেওয়া) -You should adjust to the new way of life. Agree with(কারো সাথে মতের মিল হওয়া)

some direct and indirect words

Now -  then This - that These - those Here - there Come - go To-day - that day Tomorrow - the next day Yesterday - the previous day Last night - the previous night Next week - the following week Can - could May -- might

Idioms and Phrases

A Above all (প্রধানতঃ) - He is above all a teacher. Above board (অকপট, সন্দেহাতীত) - Whenever we did  was open and above board. After all (মোটের উপর)- Home is, after all, the best place in the world. All in all (সর্বেসর্বা)- He is all in all in the office. Allah is all in all in the universe.   All the same (একই কথা)- It is all the same to me whether you do it or not. As it were (যেন)- The sun is as it were  the lamp of the earth. Again and again (বারবার)- The man told the same story again and again. As if (যেন)- He helped me in my danger as if he is my near and dear one. As usual (পূর্বের মত)- They came at 9 as usual. At a stretch (একদমে)- He can walk 5 miles at a stretch. At any cost(যে প্রকারেই হোক)- I shall do it at any cost. At best(বেশীর পক্ষে, বড় জোর) - He will at best secure pass marks in English. At dagger's drawn(শত্রু ভাবাপন্ন)- Two brothers are at dagger's drawn with each other. At all(আদৌ)- I did not know him at all. At home in(দক্ষ)- He is qu