Idioms and Phrases

Above all (প্রধানতঃ) - He is above all a teacher.
Above board (অকপট, সন্দেহাতীত) - Whenever we did  was open and above board.
After all (মোটের উপর)- Home is, after all, the best place in the world.
All in all (সর্বেসর্বা)- He is all in all in the office. Allah is all in all in the universe.  
All the same (একই কথা)- It is all the same to me whether you do it or not.
As it were (যেন)- The sun is as it were  the lamp of the earth.
Again and again (বারবার)- The man told the same story again and again.
As if (যেন)- He helped me in my danger as if he is my near and dear one.
As usual (পূর্বের মত)- They came at
9 as usual.
At a stretch (একদমে)- He can walk
5 miles at a stretch.
At any cost(যে প্রকারেই হোক)- I shall do it at any cost.
At best(বেশীর পক্ষে, বড় জোর) - He will at best secure pass marks in English.
At dagger's drawn(শত্রু ভাবাপন্ন)- Two brothers are at dagger's drawn with each other.
At all(আদৌ)- I did not know him at all.
At home in(দক্ষ)- He is quite at home in algebra.
At large(স্বাধীনভাবে)- Birds can fly at large in the sky.
At a loss(হতবুদ্ধি হওয়া)- I am at a loss as to what to do.
At one's finger's end(নখ দর্পে)-The boys was at his wit's end to see a tiger.
At one's wits end(কিং কর্তব্য বিমূঢ় হওয়া)- The boy was at his wit's end  to see a tiger.
At present(বর্তমানে)- I can do nothing at present for you.
At sixes and sevens(এলোমেলোভাবে)- All the things of the room were found at sixes and sevens.
At the eleventh hour(শেষ মুহূর্তে)- They sent him for a doctor at the eleventh hour.
At the top of(উচ্চে)- He was shouting at the top of his voice.
At times(মাঝে মাঝে)- At times he losses his temper.
A man of parts(গুনী ব্যক্তি)- Mr. Arman is a man of parts.
At the latest(খুব বেশী দেরী হলে)- I shall return by
6 p.m. at the latest.
A man of letters(পন্ডিত ব্যক্তি)- Dr. Muhammad  Shahidullah was a man of letters.
At once(তৎক্ষণাৎ)- Go home at once.
At the point of(মুখে)- The old man is at the point of death.
A man of word(এক কথার লোক)- He is a man of word.

Bag and baggage (তল্পিতল্পাসহ)- He left the place bag and baggage.
Bed of roses(পুস্প শয্যা)- Life is not bed of roses.
Black and blue(নির্দয় ভাবে)- He beat the boy black and blue.
Blue blood(বংশাভিজাত্য)- She is proud of his  blue blood.
Bird's eye view(একনজরে দেখা)- We looked the town bird's eye view.
Burning question(গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আলোচ্য বিষয়)- Adult education is the burning question of the day.
By and by(শীঘ্র)- The patient will come round by and by.
By chance(হঠাৎ)- By chance he met with me on the way.
By far(বহুলাংশে)- He is by far the best student in the class.
By fits and starts(অনিয়মিতভাবে)- He works by fits and starts to prosper in life.
By hook or by crook(যে ভাবেই হোক)- He will do it by hook or by crook.
By leaps and bounds(দ্রুতগতিতে)- The price of rice has gone up by leaps and bounds.
By way of(প্রসঙ্গে)- He said this by way of  joke.
By the by(কথা প্রসঙ্গে)- By the by he told me about his job.
By virtue of(সাহায্যে বা গুণে)- He got top marks by virtue of hard work.
Before long(শীঘ্রই)- They will return home before long.
Because of(কারণ বশতঃ)- He did not attend the meeting because of illness.
Beside the mark(অপ্রাসঙ্গিক)- Your answer of the question beside the mark.
Black sheep(কুলাঙ্গার)- He is a black sheep of the family.
Beat about the bush(আজেবাজে বকা)- Don't beat about the bush, come to the point.
Bid fair(আশা প্রদান করা)- The boy bids fair to be a great man in future.
  Bolt from the blue(বিনা মেঘে বজ্রাঘাত)-  The news of his mother's death came to him  like a bolt
         from the blue.
Bring to book(তিরষ্কার করা)- If I do this my father will bring  me to book.
Bring to light(প্রকাশ করা)- He brought the secret to light.

Crying need(গুরুত্বপূর্ণ)-Adult education is the crying need for the people ob Bangladesh.
Come across(দেখতে পাওয়া, নজরে পড়া)-He came across a beggar on the road.
Catch red handed(হাতে নাতে ধরা পড়া)- The thief was caught red handed.
Cut a sorry figure(খারাপ করা)- He has cut a sorry figure in the examination.
Cut Short(সংক্ষেপ করা)- His life was cut short by diseases.
Cock and bull story(গাঁজাখুরি গল্প)- I don't believe your cock and bull story.
Carry the day(প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতায় জয়লাভ করা)- He tried his best to carry the day.
Call in question(সন্দেহের)-His honesty was call in a question.
Crocodile tears(মায়াকান্না)- He shed crocodile tears at my failure.
Cut to the quick(মরমাহত হওয়া)- His master's words cut him to the quick.


Do away with(দূর করতে)- We should try our best to do away with evil practice.
Dark horse(অজ্ঞাত ব্যক্তি)- I can not support a dark horse like him.


Every now and then(মাঝে মাঝে)-He comes here every now and then.
End in smoke(ব্যর্থ হওয়া)-All his attempts ended in smoke.

Few and far between(অনেকদিন পরপর)- The visits of my friend are few and far between.
Flesh and blood(রক্ত মাংসের দেহ)-Flesh and blood can not tolerate such an insult.
For good(চিরতরে)-He left this world for good.
For the sake of(খাতিরে)-I helped him for the sake of old friendship.
From hand to mouth(অসচ্চল অবস্থায়)- The poor live from hand to mouth.
Full swing(পুরাদমে)-The work is going in full swing.
From door to door(দ্বারে দ্বারে)- He begs from door to door.
Far and wide(দেশ বিদেশ)- His fame spread far and wide.
From time to time(মাঝে মাঝে)- He comes to our house from time to time.
Fight shy of(এড়িয়ে চলা)-Why do you fight shy of me?


Go through(পড়া)-Go throw your text books regularly.
Get rid of(মুক্তি পাওয়া)- He tried his best to get rid of bad habits.

Head and Heart(বুদ্ধি ও গুণে)-He was head and heart a noble man.
Hand in hand(একত্রে)-We shall work hand in hand with the villagers.
Hand to hand(সামনা সামনি)-They are fighting hand to hand.
Hard up(অভাব গ্রস্থ)-I am hard up now.
Hard and fast(ধরা বাঁধা)- There is no hard and fast role in this affair.
Head and ears(জর্জরিত)-He is over head and cars in debt.
Heart and  soul(সর্বান্তকরণে)- He tried heart and soul to prosper in life.
Hue and cry(সোরগোল)-The villagers raised a hue and cry to seethe robbers.
High time(উপযুক্ত সময়)-It is high time that you should resign the post.
Hold good(কার্যকরী হওয়া)-This rule does not hold good here.
Hold water(যুক্তিযুক্ত হওয়া)-Your argument will not hold water in this matter.

Ins and out(খুঁটিনাটি)-I know the ins and outs of this matter.
In a fix(হতবুদ্ধি হওয়া)-I am in a fix as to what to do.
In fine(উপসংহার)- In fine, I tell you that industry is the key to success.
In black and white(লিখিত)-Put your statement in black and white.
In broad day light(প্রকাশ্য দিবালোকে)-The murder was committed in broad day light.
In cold blood(বিনা উত্তেজনায়)-He killed the man in cold blood.
In a nut shell(সংক্ষেপে)-Give the story in a nut shell.
In consideration of (বিবেচনায়)-He was released from chains in  consideration of his old age.
In full swing(পুরাদমে)-The work is going in full swing.
In good faith(সরল বিশ্বাসে)-He signed the bond in good faith.
In keeping with(সামঞ্জস্য)-His deeds are not in keeping with his words.
In lieu of(পরিবর্তে)-He gave me a pen in lieu of a pencil.
In no time(শীঘ্রই)-I will finish the work in no time.
In point of(বিষয়ে)-He is senior to me in point of age.
In honour of(সম্মানার্থে)-The school shall remain closed in honour of inspector's visit.
In front of(সম্মুখে)-I have a garden in front of my house.
In season and out season(সময়ে অসময়ে)-He disturbs me in season  and out of season.
In spite of(সত্তেও)-In spite of his riches he is unhappy.
In the eye of(দৃষ্টিতে)-All are equal in the eye of law.
In the face of(প্রতিকূলে)-He did it in the face of all oppositions.
In the guise of(ছদ্মবেশে)-He came here in the guise of a mad man.
In the long run(পরিনামে)-Sinners will suffer in the long run.
In force(বলবৎ থাকা)-This rule is no longer in force here.
In the teeth of(প্রবল বাধার মুখে)-He did his duty in the teeth of strong opposition.
In vogue(চলনসই)-Short shirt is in vogue now-a-days.
In vain(বৃথা)- He tried his best to get it but in vain.
In respect of(বিষয়ে)-He is senior to me in respect of service.
In the wake of(পশ্চাতে পশ্চাতে)-Cholera  broke out in the wake of flood.
In view of(বিবেচনায়)- In view of your sound health I advise you to join the army.
In stead of (পরিবর্তে)-He went to Dhaka in stead of Khulna.


Jack of all trades (সবজান্তা)-He is jack of all trades but master of none.


Kith and kin(আত্মীয়বর্গ)- I have no kith and kin in Chittagong.

Lose heart(নিরাশ হওয়া)-Don’t lose heart in danger
Lion's share(বেশীর ভাগ)- He took the lion share of the profit.
Live fast(উশৃংখল জীবন যাপন করা)-He who live  fast die early.

Make both ends meet(আয় ব্যয় এ সমতা রাখা)-I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Man of letters(পণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি)-Dr, Siddikur Rahman is a man of letters.
Muster strong(সমবেত হওয়া hin on t)- The people mustered strong to welcome their president.

Now and then(মাঝে মাঝে)- He comes here now and then.
Null and void(বাতিল হওয়া)-This rule has been declared null and void.
Nook and corner(আনাচে কানাচে)-I searched every nook and corner for the missing letter.
Nip in the bud(
অঙ্কুরে বিনষ্ট হওয়া)- After my father’s death all my hopes were nipped in the bud.

On account of (বশতঃ) - I could not attend the meeting on account of fever.
On behalf of (পক্ষে) - He is working on behalf of our company.
On the contrary (পক্ষান্তরে)-I love him on the contrary he hates me.
Off and on (মাঝে মাঝে)- He comes here off and on.
On the eve of (প্রাক্কালে) - I met him on the eve of his departure.
On the spur heat of the moment (ক্ষনিকের উত্তেজনা বশতঃ) - He did it on the spur heat of
                                                                                                   the moment.
Of late (সম্প্রতি)- Of late he has changed the mood of his life.
Open secret(গোপনীয় হলেও গোপনীয় নয়)- It is an open secret that he takes bribe.
Off hand(পূর্ব প্রস্তুতি বা ভাবনা ব্যতীত)- Don’t do anything off hand.
Out and out(সম্পূর্ণরূপে)- He is out and out a reformer.
Out of sorts(অসুস্থ)- I am out of sorts to-day.
Over head and ears(জর্জরিত)- He is over head and eats in debt.
On the wane(ক্ষয়ের মুখে)- The moon is on the wane.
Out of date(অচল)- Silver ornaments are out of date  to-day.
Out of pocket(রিক্ত হস্ত)- I am now out of pocket.

Pros and cons (খুঁটিনাটি)- I know pros and cons of the matter.
Part and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ)- Travelling is a part and parcel of education.



Red letter day(স্মরণীয় দিন)- The 26th March is the red letter day in the history of Bangladesh.
Run short(ফুরাইয়া যাওয়া)- Our food has run short.
Red handed(হাতেনাতে)-The thief was caught red handed.

Stear clear of(পরিত্যাগ করা)- We should stear clear of bad habits.
Stone's throw(খুব নিকটে)- His house is a stone’s throw from the school.
Scot free(বেকসুর খালাস)- The thief got scot free.
See eye to eye(রাজি হওয়া)- I cannot see eye to eye with you on this point.
Sum and substance(সারমর্ম)- This is sum and substance of his speech.

To and fro(ইতস্ততঃ)- A fox is moving to and fro in quest of prey.
Tooth and nail(হিংস্রভাবে)- They fought  tooth and nail to hold their position.
To take to task(তিরস্কার করা)-My father took me to task for this.
To the contrary(বিপক্ষে)- I have nothing to say to the contrary.
To the back bone(হাড়ে হাড়ে)- He is wicked to the backbone.
Three R's(সামান্য লেখাপড়া)- Every one should acquire at least three R’s knowledge.
To the point(ঠিকভাবে)- Answer to the point.
To turn a deaf ear(না শুনা)- He turned a deaf ear to my request.

Under lock and key(গোপন রাখা)- Keep the secret under lock and key.
Ups and downs(উত্থান পতন)-I have to face many ups and downs in life.



Wear and tear (ব্যবহার জনিত  ক্ষয় ক্ষতি)- Everything has its wear and tear.
Well off(সচ্ছল)- He is now well off and can help you.
With a view to(উদ্দেশ্যে)- He went to Dhaka with a view to securing a job.
Weal and woe(সুখে ও দুঃখে)- A true friend stands by us in weal and owe.
With one voice(একমত হওয়া)- They supported  my suggestion with one voice.









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