Part 06: Complex to Simple sentence

Rule 32. Since/ as/ when যুক্ত complex sentence এর subject একই হলে মুল verb এর সঙ্গে ing  object এবং 2nd clause বসে।
Complex: When he found me, he acted crazy.
Simple: Finding me, he acted crazy.
Complex: As he was honest, he was happy.
Simple:  Being honest, he was happy.
Complex: Since he came early, he did everything well.
Simple: Coming early, he did everything well.
Rule 33. Since/ as/ when যুক্ত Complex Sentence এর  Subject ভিন্ন হলে  Subject এর পর মুল verb এর সঙ্গে ing এবং Extn. তারপর   2nd clause বসে।
Complex: Since it was daylight, we saw everything.
Simple: It being daylight, we saw everything.
Complex: When the meeting was over, we went home.
Simple: The meeting being over, we went home.
Rule 34. If যুক্ত clause টি Negative হলে Without, affirmative হলে By যোগে শুরু হয়।
Complex: If you do not work hard, you will fail.
Simple: Without working hard, you will fail.
Complex: If you come early, you can get the bus.
Simple:  By coming early, you can get the bus.
Rule 35. So ---- that  আকারে থাকলে (same subject) Too --- to , (Different subject) হলে অতিরিক্ত for যুক্ত হয় ।
Complex: He is so weak that he cannot move. (same sub.)
Simple: He is too weak to move.
Complex: The load is so heavy that I could not move it. (different. sub.)
Simple: The load is so heavy for me to move it.
Rule 36. So that বা, in order that থাকলে  infinitive  হয়।
Complex: He worked hard so that he could be successful.
Simple:  He worked hard to be successful.
Rule 37. Though / although  থাকলে In spite of / Despite of হয়।
Complex: Though he tried heart and soul, he could not pass in the exam.
Simple: In spite of trying heart and soul, he could not pass in the exam.
Rule 38. Relative pronoun থাকলে তার পরিবর্তে Noun  এবং Noun এর পূর্বে Adjective বসে।
Complex: I know the man who is rich.
I know  the rich man.
Complex: She lived in a house which is small.
She lived in a small house.
Relative pronoun এর পরে  past participle বা  adjective থাকলে present participle হয়।
Complex: She lived in a house that belonged to my home.
Simple: She lived in a house belonging to my home.
·        Relative pronoun  এর পর  Be verb   past participle থাকলে relative pronoun  be verb বাদ যাবে।
Complex: The machine, which were made in India, were not working properly.
Simple:  The machine made in India were not working properly.
Rule 39. Noun Clause থাকলে Noun phrase হয়।
Complex: I know where he was born.
Simple: I know his birthplace.
Complex: When he will come is uncertain.
Simple: His arrival is uncertain.


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