Rules of Passage Narration in details
Rules of Passage Narration
Rule-01: Passage narration এ passage টি বারবার পড়তে হবে এবং কোন context এ কথা হচ্ছে সেটি অনুধাবন করতে হবে। এজন্য sentence-গুলোর mood বুঝতে হবে ।
Rule-02: সংলাপটির characters গুলো listener and speaker কে কার সাথে কথা বলছে তা জানতে হবে। Reporting verb টি Passage -এর শুরুতে না থেকে মাঝে বা শেষেও থাকতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রে indirect speechএ রূপান্তর করার সময় Reporting verb টি শুরুতে নিয়ে আসতে হবে। যেমনঃ
Direct: “How can you do the work in two days? Nobody agrees to do it in less than four.” I said to the boy.
Indirect: I asked the boy how he could do the work in two day and told him that nobody agreed to do it in less than four days.
Rule-03: Assertive -এ পরপর একাধিক sentence থাকলে added/ again added/ also added বসে এবং interrogative এ পরপর একাধিক sentence further asked/ furthermore asked ইত্যাদি বসে ।
Direct:She said,“I have completed the work. I can help you tomorrow in the evening.”
Indirect: She said that she had completed the work and added that she could help the following day in the evening.
Direct: The authoress said to the boy, “I will pay for the loss. I know how it happened . I am responsible for this.”
Indirect: The authoress told the boy that she would pay for the loss. She added that she knew how it had happened. She again added that she was responsible for that.
Direct: He said to me, “Who are you? What do you want?”
Indirect: He asked me who I was and further asked what I wanted.
Rule-04: Dialogue এ questions এবং Answers এর ক্ষেত্রে অনুল্লিখিত অংশে যা অনুধাবন করে বুঝে নিতে হয় Indirect speech -এ তা সম্পূর্ণ করে লিখতে হবে ।
Direct: “What is your name?”
: “Rubaiya.”
Indirect: I asked her what her name was. She replied that her name was Rubaiya.
Direct: I said to him, “How long will you stay?” He replied, “For five days.”
Indirect: I asked him how long he would stay. He replied that he would stay for fave days.
Rule-05:একই বক্তার পরপর দুটি উক্তির দ্বিতীয় উক্তিটি যদি কারণ নির্দেশ করে তাহলে since/as বা sentence এর সম্পর্ক অনুসারে যেকোন linker ব্যবহার করা যায় । সেক্ষেত্রে reporting verb এর প্রয়োজন হয় না।
Direct: “I’ll not come tomorrow. I’m ill.” said she.
Indirect: She said that he would not come the next day as she was ill.
Direct: She said to me, “Why were you absent? The Headmaster is angry. Go to him at once.”
Indirect: She asked me why I had been absent. The Headmaster was angry. She told (or ordered) me to go to him(H) at once.
Rule-06: যে কোন প্রকার sentence এ ‘please’ or অনুরোধমূলক word can /could /would শুরুতে থাকলে reporting verb টি asked/ requested হবে এবং imperative sentence এর নিয়মে হবে please, can, could, would বাদ যাবে।
Direct: He said to me, “Could you lend me your bicycle, please?”
Indirect: He requested me to lend him my bicycle.
Rule-07: Reported speechএ শুধু “Yes” বা “No” থাকলে Indirect করার সময় পূর্বের প্রশ্নের Subject এবং Tense অনুসারে appropriate auxiliary verb বসাতে হয়।
Direct: He said to me, “Are you ill?” I replied “No or Yes”.
Indirect:He asked me if I was ill. I replied that I was/ was not.
]Direct: He said to me, “Do you know Rajib?” I said , “No.”
Indirect: He asked me if I knew Rajib. I replied that I did not.
Rule-08: Assertive sentence/ imperative sentence / will you --- please, would you যুক্ত interrogative sentence এর জবাবে “No” বা “Yes” / “Alright” / “Ok” থাকলে যদি বিরোধিতা বুঝায় তবে indirect করার সময় reporting verb হিসাবে disagreed/ declined সম্মতি বুঝালে agreed লিখতে হবে এবং পীড়াপীড়ি বা জোর প্রকাশ পেলে reporting verb হিসাবে insisted/ promised লিখতে হবে ।
Direct: “I am sent for paying with friends, father.” “No, you are sent to learn read and write.” “But I won’t read and write.” said Fahim. “Yes, you will.”
Indirect: Fahim told his father that he was sent to school for playing with friends. Father disagreed with him and said that he was sent to learn, to read and write. Jack said contrarily that he would not read and write. Father insisted that he would.
Rule-09: Reported speech -এ “Yes” or “No” এর পরে কোন বক্তব্য থাকলে, replied in the affirmative and said that বা replied in the negative and said that এভাবে না লিখে subject + auxiliary verb + not এবং সঠিক conj. + পূর্ণ Sentence বসানো উত্তম।
Direct: Zaman said to Rajib, “Have you completed the homework?” Rajib said, “No, I am ill.”
Indirect: Zaman asked Rajib if he (R) had completed his homework. Rajib replied that he (R) had not because he was ill.
Direct: He said to me, “Do you like games and sports?” I said, “Yes, I play football and cricked.”
Indirect: He asked me if I liked games and sports. I replied that I did and added that I played football and cricket.
Rule-10: জোর দিয়ে Yes and No (The forced of Yes and No.) main verb (reporting verb) এর মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করা যায় । এ ক্ষেত্রে Reporting verb হিসেবে promised, denied ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করা যায়।
Direct: He said, “Yes, sir, I shall go.”
Indirect:He promised that he would go.
Direct: She said, “No, sir,I have not seen it.”
Indirect: She denied that she had seen it. Or, She denied having seen it.
Rule-11: Shall I বা shall we দ্বারা offer বুঝালে indirect speech এ Reporting verb টি offer / offers / offered হবে এবং কোন linker প্রয়োজন হয় না ।
Direct: “Shall I bring you some coffee.” he said to me.
Indirect: He offered me some coffee.
Direct: “Shall we bring a book for you.” they said to me.
Indirect: They offered me a book.
Rule-12: Direct speech এ “Sir” থাকলে Indirect speech এ Sir এর পরিবর্তে politely/ respectfully ব্যবহার করতে হয়। **
Direct: The convict said to the judge, “Sir, I want to say something.”
Indirect: The convict told the judge politely that wanted to say
Rule-13: ভুলের কারণে দুঃখ প্রকাশ করা অর্থে ‘sorry’ বা ‘I am sorry’ ইত্যাদি থাকলে Reporting verb হিসাবে apologize verb টি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Direct: He said to me, “Sorry, I am late.”
Indirect: He apologized to me for being late.
Direct: “Why have you not learned you lesson?” said the teacher. “Sorry sir, I’ll learn today.” said the student.
Indirect: The teacher asked the student why he had not learned his lesson. The student apologized to him and said that he would learn that day.
Rule-14: ছোট খাট সাহায্য প্রার্থনা করতে আমরা সাধারণত excuse me বা sorry to disturb you ব্যবহার করতে হয়। Indirect speech এর পরিবর্তে seeking an excuse প্রথমে লিখতে হয়।
Direct: “Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” said the boy to a passer by.
Indirect: Seeking an excuse, the boy asked the passer by if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn.
Rule-15: Direct speech এ by Allah / by Jove/ by God / by my life ইত্যাদি থাকলে indirect speech এ swearing by Allah / by Jove / by God / by my life ইত্যাদি দ্বারা শুরু হয়। **
Direct: “By Allah”, he replied. “I will not leave this house.”
Indirect: Swearing by Allah, he replied that he would not leave that house.
Rule-16: Reported speech এ “Thank you” থাকলে তা Indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করতে হলে Reporting verb এর subject এরপরে thanked বসে এর পরে Reporting verb এর object হবে। **
Direct: She said to me, “Thank you.”
Indirect: She thanked me.
Rule-17: Direct speech এ you ought to / should / had better যুক্ত Assertive sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে Reporting verb টি advised হবে এবং imperative sentence যে নিয়মে indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করতে হয় সে নিয়মে করতে হবে। **
Direct: “You had better leave the place, Jamil.” said Shila.
Indirect: Shila advised Jamil to leave the place.
Rule-18: Direct speech এর শুরুতে well/ oh/ I see থাকলে তা বাদ দিয়ে শুরুতে mood অনুযায়ী expressing surprise/ agreement/ indignation হবে এবং look থাকলে তাবাদ দিয়ে শুরুতে drawing attention লিখতে হবে এবং বাকী অংশে সাধারণ নিয়মানুযায়ী change করতে হবে।
Direct: “I live at Savar ,” said the student. “I see.” said the teacher. “It is a long distance from here.”
Indirect: The student said that he lived at Savar. Expressing surprise the teachers and said that it was a long distance from there.
Rule-19: কখনো কখনো Direct speech এ বক্তা ও শ্রোতার উল্লেখ থাকে না। সে ক্ষেত্রে বক্তার জন্য the speaker এবং শ্রোতার ক্ষেত্রে the listener বা the person spoken to ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Direct: “Are you going to market tomorrow?” “No, I’ll be busy tomorrow.”
Indirect: The speaker asked the listener if he was going to market the next day. The listener replied that he was not going, he would be busy the next day.
Rule-20:Direct speech এ কাউকে address করে কোন উক্তি করা হলে তা দুভাবে indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করা যায়।
(i) যা বলে address করা হয় সে relation টি যদি true হয় তবে তা reporting verb এর object করতে হয় ।
Direct:’Will you go to holiday market today, mother?” I said.
Indirect:I asked my mother if she would go to holiday market that day.
(ii) Addressing টি যদি true না হয় অর্থাৎ সত্যিকারের সম্পর্ক না হয় তবে ‘Addressing’ as যা বলে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে প্রথমে হবে ।
Direct:”Are you hungry, friends?” said the shrewd king.
Indirect: Addressing them as friends, he shrewd king asked if they were hungry.
Rule-21: Exclamatory sentence এ অনেক সময় নিম্নোক্ত ধরনের কিছু Exclamatory word দেখা যায়। এগুলোর ক্ষেত্রে sentenceএর ধরন বা বক্তার tone অনুসারে পরিবর্তন করতে হয়। **
Direct: He said, “Alas! I am undone.”
Indirect: He cried outmatch. in sorrow that he was undone.
Direct: The boy said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
Indirect: The boy exclaimed with joy that they had won the
Rule-22: Imperative sentence এর reported speech যদি compound sentence হয় এবং conjunction or দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে তবে ঐ অংশটুকুর পরিবর্তন নিম্নলিখিত ভাবে হবে এবং and added if + subject + did not do so + subject + would + verb. Or এর পরিবর্তে otherwise হবে।
Direct: “Speak the truth or you will be punished,” the man said to the boy.
Indirect: The man warned the boy to speak the truth and added if he did not do so he would be punished ./ The man warned the boy to speak the truth otherwise he would be punished.
Rule-23: কোন প্রশ্নের যদি why দেয়া থাকে তবে indirect speech এ এর পরিবর্তে speaker + wanted to know the reason লিখতে হবে। **
Direct: “When will you go to market?” “At 3pm. Why mother?” said the son.
Indirect: Mother asked her son when he would go to market. The son replied that he would go to market at 3pm and wanted to know the reason.
Rule-24: Inverted comma এর বাইরে reporting verb এর সাথে কোন অতিরিক্ত phrase বা clause থাকলে Indirect speech এ তা অপরিকল্পিত অবস্থায় শুরুতে বসে। এক্ষেত্রে present participle যুক্ত কোন phrase বা clause থাকলে তা প্রথমে লিখতে হবে।
Direct: “Are you brothers?” asked the mistress of the house, turning to the dervishes.
Indirect: Turning to the dervishes . the mistress of the house asked them if they were brothers.
Rule-25: Reported speech টি Assertive Sentence হওয়া সত্ত্বেও যদি তার শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন থাকে তবে indirect করার সময় reporting verb এর পূর্বে Being surprised লিখতে হবে এবং Interrogative sentence এর নিয়মে করতে হবে।
Direct: She said to me, “You have remembered how she looked all these years?”
Indirect: Being surprised , she asked me if I had remembered how she had looked all those years.
Rule-26: Reported speech এ “Good bye” থাকলে indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করতে হলে Reporting verb এর subject + bade + object + good bye লিখতে হবে । **
Direct: She said, “Good bye , mom.”
Indirect: She bade her mom good bye.
Rule-27: Direct speech এ good morning /good evening/good night থাকলে Indirect করার সময় Reporting verb এর subject + wished + good morning / good evening /good night লিখতে হবে। **
Direct: I said to my friend, “Good morning.”
Indirect: I wished my friend good morning.
Rule-28: Direct speech এর reporting verb যদি cried muttered, replied, asked ইত্যাদি থাকে, তবে indirect speech এ উক্ত reporting verb গুলোর কোন পরিবর্তন হবে না।
Direct: “I am responsible for this misfortune.” he muttered.
Indirect: He muttered that he was responsible for that misfortune.
Rule-29: Direct speech এ Tag question থাকলে tag এর পূর্বের অংশে interrogative এর নিয়মে ধরতে হবে এবং tagএর অংশ -এর জন্য and assumed that যুক্ত করে assertive sentence এর নিয়মে করতে হবে। উল্লেখ্য, tag অংশটি affirmative থাকলে negative হবে এবং negative থাকলে affirmative হবে। **
Direct: Della said to Jim, “I’m without my hair, ain’t I?”
Indirect: Della asked Jim if she was without her hair and assumed that she was.
Rule-30: Indirect speech এ কোন sentence এর প্রথমে pronoun এবং পরে noun থাকলে indirect করার সময় প্রথমে pronoun এর পরিবর্তে noun লেখা শ্রেয় ।
Direct: Looking at him I said, “You are very intelligent, Kamal”
Indirect: Looking at Kamal I told him that he was very intelligent.