Importance of technical education
Importance of technical education
![What motivates Technical People?](
education is the education with training in practical arts and science.
However, general education gives us general knowledge of arts and science. It
is sure that education is the backbone of a nation but no nation can work
properly without technically educated people. Therefore, importance should be given
on technical education.
education is not so useful at present. People have realized this. In the past
people would give high importance on general education. In the world of modern
science and technology, people felt the necessity of technical hands for
earning their livelihood. To win this struggle for existence technical skills are
essential. Technical education gives people skills and competence to earn their
bread in an honest and honorable way.
prosperity of a country depends on her industry. Some countries have remained
poor in spite of natural resources because they cannot utilize them for want of
technical knowledge. Bangladesh is an example of such countries in the world
the most prosperous countries are those that have advanced in technical
education. Russia, the USA, Great Britain and Germany are the good examples of
such countries. In these countries, most of people are technically skilled.
our independence in 1971, our government realized the necessity of some persons
with technical skills. It is felt that the country cannot be developed without
industrialization. Industrial development requires many properly trained persons.
Therefore, technical institutions have been set up in our countries to train up
the people particularly the young generation recently technical education has
the priority. Therefore, it has advanced largely. At present the technical education,
produce a large number of trained persons every year. It is encouraging that
our government and all classes of people are very much conscious of the
importance of technical education. They have understood that technical
education cannot be successful on practical training. Therefore, theoretical
knowledge should be coordinated with practical experience in firms and
some more effective steps should be taken to encourage technical education in
the present world of competition.