Phrasal Preposition


Abide by(obey)-He abide by his teachers.
Abide with(live)-We abide with our parents.
Abide in(living any place)-They abide in Khulna.
Abound with(plenty)-The pond is abound with fishes.
Abhorrence of()-
Abhorrence to()-
Absent from()-
Absorbed in()-
Abound in()-
Absent from()-
Abstain from()-
Access to()-
Act on()-
Acceptable to()-
According to()-
Account for()-
Accountable to()-
Accused of()-
Accustomed to()-
Acquainted with()-
Adapt for()-
Adapt to()-
Add to()-
Adequate for()-
Adept in()-
Adequate to()-
Addicted to()-
Adjacent to()-
Adhere to()-
Admit to()-
Admit into()-
Adept in()-
Adjacent to()-
Adorn with()-
Affection for()-
Affectionate to()-
Afford to()-
Afraid of()-
Agree with/on / to (a person-with, a point-on, a proposal-to)-We cannot agree to your proposal.
Aim at()-
Akin to()- These are akin to one another.
Alarm at or by or for()-
Alive to()-
Alive with()-
Allot to()-
All along ()-
Aloof from()-
Apart from()-
Amazed at
Ambition for
Ambition of
Amount to
Angry with
Annoyed with or for
Annoyed at
Angry at
Answer for
Answer to
Answer for
Anxious for
Anxious about
Appetite for
Appeal to or for
Appetite for
Apply to or for
Apologize to or for
Appoint to
Appropriate to
Appear at or in
Aptitude for
Apart from
Argue with
Arrange for
Arrive at
Ashamed of
Associate with or in
Aspire after
Ask for
Aspire to
As though

As to
Assent to
Assure of
Astonished at
Attach to
Attain to
Attend to
Attest to
Attend on or upon
Attention to
Attentive to
Attacked with
Attacked by
Authority with or over
Avail of
Aware of
Authority on


Bar to
Bark at
Bare of
Based on
Bask in
Beg for
Behave towards
Believe in
Belong to
Beneficial to
Bent on
Bestow on or upon
Beware of
Beat about
Belong to
Beset with
Blame for
Blind to
Blind in
Blessed with
Blessed in
Blind of
Blind to
Boast of
Born of
Bound for
Boarder on
Born of
Bring about
Bring up
Burst into
Busy with


Care for
Care of
Call at
Call in
Call off
Call on
Call up
Care on
Careful of
Careless of
Carry on
Carry out
Catch at
Capable of
Cause of
Cause for
Caution against

Charge against
Charge of
Charge with
Close to
Come by
Come on
Comment on
Compare for or with
Complain to or against or of
Compare to
Comply with
Composed of
Conductive to
Confer on
Confident of
Confine to
Congratulate on
Conscious of
Consist of
Consist on
Consent to
Consult with
Contrary to
Contribute to
Control over
Candidate for
Collusion with
Confined to
Cope with
Cut off
Cut out


Deal out
Deal in
Deal with
Deficient in(weak)-
Depend on
Deprive of
Devoid of
Devoted to
Descend upon
Duty to
Die of
Die for
Die by
Die from
Die for
Deprive of
Differ from
Differ with
Difference between
Disqualified for
Devote to
Due to
Dull of
Dull at


Eager for
Eligible for
Enter into
Equal to
Excel in
Expert in
Escape from


Fall upon
Fond of
Free from
Free of
Famous for
Faith in
Fit for
Full of



Get off
Get on
Get up
Good for
Give away
Give in
Give up
Good at
Go through (পড়া)-Go throw your text books regularly.
Guilty of
Guard from
Guard against


Hanker after
Hard up
Heed to
Hope for
Hopeful of


Ignorant of
Ill of
Immune from
In need of
Indebted to
Indifferent to
Infested with
Innocent of
Inquire of
Insist on
Interest in
Interfere with
Interfere in

Jealous of
Jeer at


Keen on
Key to


Lame of
Laugh at
Likely to
Live in
Live at
Live on
Live by
Live for
Long for
Look after
Look into
Look over
Look up
Lost in
Listen to

Make out
Make room
Make up
Match for



Object to
Open to
Owing to

Part from
Part with
Passion for
Play at
Play on
Popular with
Prefer to
Preside over
Prevent from
Pride in
Pride on
Proficient in
Provide for or against
Put down
Put off
Put on
Put out


Qualified for
Quick at

Regard  for
Remedy for
Rich in
Rob of
Respond to
Respect  for
Rule out
Run after
Run out
Run over


sanguine of
Satisfied with
Send for
See off
Set in
Subject to
Sick of
Smile at
Smile upon
Stare at
Stare in
Stick at
Stick to
Sympathy for, with
Set out
Stave to

Take after
Take off
Take over
Taste for
Tell upon
Tide over
True to
Turn down
Turn off
Turn on
Turn over


Vary from()- Everybody varies from each other.
Victim of()- She was victim to sexual harassment.
Vie with () - Don't vie with the bad man.

Warn against
Well off
Well up
Worthy of
Weak in
Worthy of


Yield up () - The yielded up their position to us.


Zero in () - The military zeroed in on the issue of corruption.


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